

KASTHURIMANJAL( Curcuma aromatica) for Acne Pinmple and Skin Diseases

Botanical Name : Curcuma aromatica
Family : Zingiberaceae

known as vanharidra in Sanskrit jangali-haldi in Hindi and kasthurimanjal in Malayalam .

It used for making cosmetics and used for the cure of chronic skin diseases caused by impure blood and acne . The mixture of aromatica powder and Honey is very useful for acne. It is used as appetizer and tonic to women after childbirth. It is also useful against high fever and worm infestation.

Ashoka Tree (Sorrowless Tree) for menstrual disorders

Botanical Name : Saraca Indica or Jonesia Ashok
Family : Caesalpaeniaceae
The Lord Buddha was born under this tree in Lumbini. This Tree is being dedicated to Kamadeva the God of Love. This tree is also mentioned in Ramayana.

It is used for the treatment of women in ayurveda. Ayurveda medicine Ashokarishta is very good for menstrual disorders. It also used for making ayurvedic hair oils and baby oils.


Indigo ( Neelayamari) for Hair tonic

Botanical Name : Indigofera tinctoria

Family : Fabaceae

Nilayamari is a reputed drug for the promotion of hair growth. Due to antitoxic property it is also a good remedy for poisons.
Leaves are important in medicine and form a major ingredient of preparations like 'Nilibhringadi oil'.