Saturday, June 19, 2010

Medicinal plants

India has 15 Agroclimatic zones,47000different plant species and 15000medicinalplants The Indian Systems of Medicine have iden
tified 1500 medicinal plants,ofwhich 500species are mostly used
in the preparation of drugs. The medicinal plantscontribute to cater80%of the raw materials used in the preparation of drugs. The
effectiveness of these drugs mainly depend upon the proper use
and sustainedavailability of genuine raw materials. The domestic
market of Indian Systemsof Medicine & Homoeopathy is of the order
of Rs.4000 crores (2000),which isexpanding day by day. The Ayur-
veda drug market alone is of the order of Rs. 3500crores (2000).
Besides this, there is also a growing demand for natural products
including items of medicinal value/pharmaceuticals, food supplements and cosmetics
in both domestic and international markets. Presently India’s export from Medicinal
and Herbal plants is Rs. 446 crores (2000) only which would be raised to Rs.3000 crores
annually by 2005. India, with its diversified biodiversity has a tremendous potential and
advantage in this emerging area.
According to WHO report, over 80% of the world population relies on traditional medicine
largely plant based for their primary healthcare needs. The EXIM bank of India, in its report
(1997) has reported the value of medicinal plants related trade in India of the order of 5.5
billion US dollars and is growing rapidly. According to WHO, the international market of
herbal products is estimated to be US $ 62 billion which is poised to grow to US $ 5 trillion
by the year 2050. India’s share in the global export market of medicinal plants related trade
is just 0.5%.